
State Representative Derek Lewis


Interim joint committees meet to discuss state issues

By State Representative Derek Lewis

It was a busy week in Frankfort as several Interim Joint Committees met to discuss issues the state is facing. The common theme in all the committee meetings continues to be COVID-19. This virus appears to be with us for the near future, so it is important to find safe, effective, common sense solutions to move all aspects of Kentucky forward. 

All eyes were on the Education Committee this week as discussion revolved around the impact of COVID-19 on reopening Kentucky’s schools. Members discussed questions and concerns regarding critical needs for schools to reopen; many questions were left unanswered because there is still so much unknown. State officials are working together to open schools while keeping our children and educators safety as the top priority. Individual school districts will make school opening dates, models of teaching, and guidelines. Many schools have started announcing when schools will be reopening and what a “normal” school day will look like. We are hearing from school districts across the state that are adopting plans that combine both in person and online learning to give parents an option. Others are looking at block schedules that allow dividing students into groups or “blocks,” with a rotating schedule for in person learning.

The General Assembly is considering what we can do through legislation to aid schools through this pandemic. Before adjourning this year’s session, we passed an amended version of SB 177 that provided emergency relief for school districts during the state of emergency that will expire in December. Most, if not all, of Kentucky school districts, have already used the federal funding provided by the CARES Act. The Kentucky Department of Education has purchased 12,500 thermometers, but more funds are needed and requested to acquire cleaning supplies and other virus mitigation measures such as instructional technology, masks, hand sanitizer, and plexiglass shields.

With participation in school athletics identified as the number one prevention dropout tool in the country, we are hearing a lot about how important it is to get sports up and running throughout the state. As it stands now, school sports will reconvene this fall. The Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) will be taking precautions to ensure all students are healthy and safe while playing games. KHSAA will revisit regulations regarding student attendance and grades to play sports due to restrictions of COVID-19. We do know that some states will be prohibited from traveling sports because of the virus. 

On Friday, the Kentucky Board of Education announced that they hired Jason Glass to serve as the new Commissioner of Education. While I have not had the opportunity to meet Mr. Glass, I am pleased to learn that he is a Kentucky native. I look forward to working with him to create public policies that put our children first. He certainly will have his hands full as he takes over our schools during a pandemic.

During the Natural Resources and Energy Committee meeting, we heard a report from officials with the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP. This is a federal program that has been in place for decades, and currently serves residents in all 120 Kentucky counties who may be struggling to meet immediate home energy needs. Since the outbreak of COVID, more families now meet the criteria for assistance with their utility bills through this program. Through the Federal CARES ACT, Kentucky was awarded over $13 million for this program to assist families who are struggling financially. Because of this additional federal funding, a new program is now in the works that would essentially create year-round utility assistance for commonwealth residents. This is excellent news, and I am proud that residents in every corner of our state can take advantage of this effective program.

Unemployment Insurance continues to be a big focus for us, as thousands of Kentuckians are still waiting to have their claims processed. The Appropriations and Revenue Committee heard testimony from the administration about a $7.4 million, 30-day contract with accounting firm Ernst and Young to bring 300 additional workers into the UI Program. While I am pleased that the Governor finally recognizes that the UI problems need to be addressed, I wish he would have considered our offers of help and collaboration when the problem first became obvious. Instead, it looks like once again he is committing the state to massive spending without consulting other government officials to see if alternatives exist. Consider that $7.4 million for 300 workers breaks down to more than $24,600 per employee for one month. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s update. Please let me know if you have any comments or questions, I am always here to help. I can be reached at home anytime or through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. You can also contact me via e-mail at . You can also keep track of committee meetings and potential legislation through the Kentucky Legislature Home Page at



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