
State Representative Derek Lewis

Kentucky State Representative Derek Lewis to Serve on Several Key House Committees

Committee Assignments Reflect District’s Priorities

FRANKFORT, Ky. (December 19, 2020) – Rep. Derek Lewis of London will serve as Vice Chair of the House Standing Committee on Banking and Insurance and as a member of the Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Intergovernmental Affairs, Judiciary, and Transportation committees when the Kentucky General Assembly convenes in early January, according to an announcement Thursday afternoon from the office of House Speaker David Osborne.

“The 90th District is my home and I am proud that I get to continue to serve it in Frankfort,” Lewis said. “While I am on these committees, my friends and neighbors in this district will continue to have a voice and a seat at the table.”

 The Banking and Insurance Committee addresses legislation aimed at keeping funds invested in Kentucky banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions safe as well as ensuring that state laws properly address the various types of insurance rates and policies in Kentucky.

Members of the House Elections, Constitutional Amendments, and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee consider legislation that pertains to proposed amendments to the Kentucky Constitution, state and local elections, candidate qualifications, and election finance.

The House Judiciary Committee works primarily on matters pertaining to Kentucky courts and the state’s criminal and civil justice systems. Committee members consider proposed new laws to address issues ranging from the administration of trusts and estates to the prosecution of criminal acts. The committee also oversees state laws as they relate to the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, circuit courts and district courts.

The Transportation Committee considers proposed legislation and the implementation of new laws that apply to airports and aviation, boats and boating, motor vehicles, railroads, commercial trucking, and other modes of transporting people and goods. The committee also oversees the state’s Transportation Cabinet and the construction and maintenance of state highways.

“Committee assignments are always a difficult task, but more so this year because we have an exceptional class of first-term legislators as well as the veteran lawmakers who have proven experience shaping good long-term public policy,” Osborne added. “The House Majority Caucus remains committed to making this state the best place to live and work. While the pandemic may have forced us to shift focus for now, we are still committed to our long-term mission.”

With these appointments, Rep. Lewis is in a position to positively impact not only his district, but our entire commonwealth. The legislature is scheduled to convene the 2021 Regular Session on January 5. While the state budget will dominate the agenda, legislators are also expected to devote time to legislation aimed at strengthening the economy and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the state’s response to it.

Rep. Lewis serves the state’s 90th House District, which includes Leslie and Clay Counties and a portion of Laurel County.



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