
Op-Ed: You Can Trust Your Health and Safety to Kentucky’s Physicians and Hospitals

Op-Ed by: R. Brent Wright, M.D., Garren Colvin, and Nancy Galvagni

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R. Brent Wright, M.D., Garren Colvin, and Nancy Galvagni

Although our battle with the coronavirus pandemic is not over just yet, much of the state’s attention has shifted toward how best to reopen our businesses and economy.

Op-Ed: In Kentucky, Pharmacists to Play Key Role in COVID-19 Vaccinations

Op-Ed by Don Kupper, President of the Kentucky Pharmacists Association

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Don Kupper

Over the years, the health care field has encountered its fair share of significant challenges. Perhaps most notable have been the major outbreaks of infectious diseases, much like we are facing now. While these terrible events are deadly and disruptive to our society, they also force us to rethink how we deliver care and often lead to significant medical breakthroughs.

OP-ED: During COVID-19, Kentuckians Must Be ‘Watchmen at the Wall’ for the Vulnerable

By: Attorney General Daniel Cameron

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FRANKFORT, KY (April 1, 2020) – In a matter of weeks, the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) has changed the way that we live our lives in the Commonwealth and throughout our country.  Days spent at school and work have been replaced with online classroom sessions and conference calls.  Homes have become makeshift offices and classrooms, as we all try to retain some semblance of normalcy in a situation that is far from normal.

OpEd: Kentucky Retired Teachers Association / General Assembly Budget Negotiations

OpEd by Tim Abrams
Kentucky Retired Teachers Association

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Tim Abrams KTRA

As the Kentucky General Assembly debates the budget and its potential impact on teachers and retired teachers, it is ironic that 10 years ago lawmakers adopted the Shared Responsibility Act of 2010, a model of legislative collaboration, compromise and good governance.

Op-ed: House Bill 72 Protects Kentuckians from High Prices at Pharmacy Counter

OpEd by Marcie Timmerman

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Marcie Timmerman

Nearly two years ago, I was prescribed my first biologic medication to treat my autoimmune disease. Since then, this medication and others have been vital in managing my health. Innovative medicines, sadly, come with a steep price tag.


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