
Programs offered by the Clay County Extension Office for November 2016

Right On the Money, a financial program for families, will be November 7th, 14th and 21st at 6:00 pm at the EXCEL Center. 

We will teach children financial concepts using children’s storybooks.  The program is presented cooperatively with Promise Neighborhood.  Call 598-2789 to register your family.  Free and open to the public.

►Jeff will be having 3 UK Forestry Fall Webinar Series at the Clay County Extension Office beginning at 7:00 pm.  If you would like to attend these webinars, call him at 598-2789 to sign up.  Please invite others that you think might be interested.  Below you will find the dates and titles.  You can attend one, two or all three series.  FREE & open to the public!

November 10 -- Implementing a Sustainable Timber Harvest -- During this webinar woodland owners will learn that it’s more than just trees when it comes to sustainability. Water, soils, special sites, rare species, and aesthetic beauty also need to be protected or maintained. Woodland owners will learn about Best Management Practices to protect water and soil quality, information and databases on rare plants and animals, how to protect special sites such as cemeteries and rock shelters, and many other recommendations that you may have not considered during a timber harvest.

November 22 -- Marking Your Woodlands Property Boundary -- An important part of caring for your woodlands is ensuring that your boundaries are clearly marked. Unfortunately many privately held woodlands do not have marked property boundaries and this can lead to a host of problems. This webinar addresses: the importance of marking and maintaining your woodland boundary lines, determining property boundaries, properly marking the boundary and materials to use for marking the property boundary.

December 6 -- Preventing Wildlife Damage on Your Property: Tree Plantings, Gardens, and  Ornamentals -- Wildlife on your property can provide hours of enjoyment through birdwatching, photography, hunting and many other activities, but they can also can also cause problems in many situations. Issues often arise with wildlife when home owners plant trees, ornamentals, or backyard gardens. This webinar will discuss some common wildlife issues relating to your property including how to identify the wildlife causing the problem, preventative measures, and in the worst case scenario how to legally and ethically remove individuals that are causing extensive damage.

►The 4-H Teen Club will meet November 15th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.

►Truth & Consequences:  The Choice is Yours, a drug educational program, will be November 16th at 8:10 am at the Middle School.  We need volunteers to help with the program. Volunteers will pretend to be parents of students that are participating in a reality-type experience related to drug use.  If you would like to volunteer, let Lora, Jeff or Alissa know by calling 598-2789.

►Plate It Up Cooking School will be November 17th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office.  Plate It Up recipes contain fruits or vegetables that can be grown in Kentucky gardens.  Lora will be demonstrating 3 of the recipes for you to sample.  If you enjoy being with others that love to try new foods or recipes, this is the program for you.  You must call 598-2789 to register, so Lora will have enough food.  FREE & open to the public!

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.


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