
Attorney General Daniel Cameron

Kentucky Attorney General's Statement regarding House Bill 300 which would allow Pregnant Mothers who have an Abortion to be Charged with Homicide

FRANKFORT, KY (February 15, 2023) – Attorney General Cameron today issued a statement regarding House Bill 300, which was filed yesterday in the Kentucky House of Representatives.

The statement is as follows:

Yesterday, House Bill 300 was filed, and in my view this legislation strikes the wrong balance. If adopted by the General Assembly, this bill would allow pregnant mothers who have an abortion to be criminally charged and prosecuted with homicide.

While I strongly support prohibiting abortions in Kentucky, I just as strongly support helping pregnant women. Pregnant mothers deserve our help, support, and life-affirming options, not to face criminal charges.

Unlike House Bill 300, Kentucky's current law, the Human Life Protection Act, appropriately values the life of a pregnant woman and her unborn child and does not permit the prosecution of pregnant mothers.

It's my hope that the men and women of our General Assembly will not pass House Bill 300.







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