
Attorney General Cameron

Attorney General Daniel Cameron Will Continue Efforts to Protect Kentucky Kids

FRANKFORT, KY – The ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights have announced they will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to upend Kentucky's Senate Bill 150, which protects children from radical gender ideology. But Kentucky kids have a stalwart defender in Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

"The safety of Kentucky kids has been my top priority," said Attorney General Cameron. "My office has vigorously defended SB 150 since the legislature overrode Governor Beshear's veto, and we will go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary."

Kentucky's General Assembly passed Senate Bill 150 during the 2023 Regular Session. The bill protects children from the permanent harm of so-called "gender transition" surgeries and experimental chemical treatments like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Governor Beshear vetoed the bill and tried to kill it. The legislature overrode his veto.

Lawyers from the ACLU in Washington, D.C. and the National Center for Lesbian Rights in San Francisco, California sued to halt enforcement of a section of Senate Bill 150 that would revoke the licenses of medical providers who perform gender mutilation procedures on minors. A federal court in Louisville ruled in their favor, and General Cameron immediately sought and secured emergency relief from that ruling. Over the summer, a federal appellate court twice ruled in General Cameron's favor, affirming Kentucky's right to protect its kids from these harmful treatments. And with far-left radicals ready to take their ideology all the way to the United States Supreme Court, General Cameron is prepared to beat them there too if necessary.

Another key provision of Senate Bill 150 protects children from ideological indoctrination in schools. In particular, the bill prohibits teaching kindergarteners and other elementary school students about human sexuality. Classroom instruction related to gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation is also prohibited.

But radicals in Governor Beshear's Department of Education inexplicably misinterpreted the law to further their agenda. That's exactly why General Cameron issued an official Attorney General Opinion rejecting the Department's views. Unelected bureaucrats can't ignore the law simply because they disagree with it—and school districts can't pick and choose what components of the law to comply with.

Since taking office, Attorney General Cameron has fiercely defended our kids at every turn. He fought the Biden Administration's attempts to force schools to allow boys into girls' locker rooms and bathrooms and to allow biological men to compete in girls' sports. And thanks to General Cameron, every word of Senate Bill 150 has been in full force since July.



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