

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States Regarding Border Deal

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Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

Thursday, January 25, 2024 -  In response to the Statement made by Pierre Delecto, I haven't spoken to him (Mitt Romney!) in years, and he knows nothing about me, or my views.

Fortunately, he will permanently be leaving the Senate soon, and our Country will be a better place for it. But, that being said, we need a Strong, Powerful, and essentially "PERFECT" Border and, unless we get that, we are better off not making a Deal, even if that pushes our Country to temporarily "close up" for a while, because it will end up closing anyway with the unsustainable Invasion that is currently taking place - A DEATH WISH for the U.S.A.!...

Between our Rigged Elections and Open Borders, our Country is in serious trouble. A Border Deal now would be another Gift to the Radical Left Democrats. They need it politically, but don't care about our Border.

What is currently being worked on in the Senate will be meaningless in terms of Border Security and Closure.

Four years ago we had the Safest and Most Secure Border in the History of our Country, and now we have the WORST, probably anywhere in the World. In any event, if you want to have a really Secure Border, your ONLY HOPE is to vote for TRUMP2024!

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