

Governor Beshear on weekend protest at the Capitol

Governor Andy Beshear 600

Governor Andy Beshear

FRANKFORT, KY – On Tuesday, May 26, 2020 during his update to Kentuckians on the fight against the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear also addressed a weekend protest at the Capitol that garnered national attention when a small group marched onto the grounds of the Governor’s Mansion and hung an effigy in a nearby tree.

The Governor talked about the decision to move his family to Frankfort, the first governor’s family – kids and all – to do so in over 30 years.

“I worried about a number of things. How would living in the community – with their dad as governor – affect my kids? What would it feel like to live in a house where people toured several days each week?” Gov. Beshear said. “One thing I never thought about, never questioned, was their personal safety. While I worried kids might be mean to them from time to time, I did not consider they might be bullied or heckled by adults.”

The Governor noted that his administration had offered the demonstrators a drive-up protesting permit but the organizers declined. He described how a right-wing militia group marched onto the grounds of the Governor’s Mansion.

“And there, just a windowpane away from where my kids often played, they chanted and heckled,” Gov. Beshear said. “While they were thankfully not there, I want to remind you my kids are 9- and 10-years old.”

The Governor called out the members of the group for engaging in acts meant to intimidate as well as politicians and officeholders who have encouraged them.

“You cannot fan the flames and condemn the fire,” he said.

Gov. Beshear said he would remain undaunted.

“I owe it to the people of Kentucky to not bow to terror, but keep doing what’s right for our citizens,” the Governor said. “Living my faith means I have to face adversity without losing my values.”

Governor Beshear's entire Update on Fight Against COVID-19 for Tuesday can be read  HERE


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