

McConnell: The Great American Outdoors Act Will "Benefit Generations to Come"

'Thanks to a number of our colleagues, particularly the junior senators from Colorado and Montana, the Senate is poised to take historic action for the future of the nation's public lands.'

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Historic entrance of Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky, USA. This national park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks Monday on the Senate floor regarding the Great American Outdoors Act:

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"And just this week, on the floor, we will complete a major piece of legislation that will benefit generations to come.

"Thanks to a number of our colleagues, particularly the junior senators from Colorado and Montana, the Senate is poised to take historic action for the future of the nation's public lands.

"I haven't been the only one coming to the floor to highlight how my constituents prize our state's national parks, wildlife refuges, and other managed areas — for recreation and for many livelihoods.

"We Kentuckians are proud that our Commonwealth is home to one of the National Park Service's crowning jewels at Mammoth Cave.

"We're proud of our historical sites like Mill Springs Battlefield and our wildlife refuges at the Clarks and Green Rivers.

"And I am proud that the Senate, this week, will provide permanent, steady support to maintain these treasures for generations to come.

"As we've heard, the same is true for Colorado, where entire regional economies are driven by outdoor recreation in alpine wonderlands...

"And for Montana, where federal and state management work hand-in-hand with local sportsmen and Native American tribes to preserve millions of acres of pristine, Big Sky wilderness...

"And for West Virginia, where 54 of 55 counties have benefited from Land and Water Conservation Fund investment...

"And for Ohio, where the Cuyahoga Valley puts park land in the backyards of millions of people.

"The list goes on and on. Public lands hold a unique place in the life of every state in America — from their natural beauty to their use for recreation to their pivotal roles in local economies.

"In the communities just outside the gates, public lands drive over $40 billion dollars in economic activity every year. And they play a big part in the entire outdoor recreation industry that creates hundreds of billions of dollars in national prosperity every year.

"So once again, I'm grateful to our colleagues who have stewarded the Great American Outdoors Act thus far —

"To Senator Daines and Senator Gardner for their leadership, and to Senators Alexander, Portman, Manchin, Warner, for their efforts as well to steer this strong, bipartisan product toward the finish line.

"I look forward to continuing to advance this legislation today and to passing it this week."


  • Top - Entrance of Mammoth Cave
  • Left - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Additionally the Senator delivered remarks regarding the week's critical work for the American people: 



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