

PSA: Cooperative Extension Service / September, 2020 Programs for Clay County, Ky.

MANCHESTER, KY (September 6, 2020) - Clay County Cooperative Extension Service upcoming programs for September, 2020.

Let’s Walk into Fall Walking Challenge – September 1st – October 31st. Walk for 45 minutes at least 3 times per week or 30 minutes at least 4 times a week for 2 months! Take care of yourself. Promote physical activity. Practice social distancing while healthy at home. You will complete by-weekly walking logs. Free t-shirt. Call 598-2789 to register. You must give us your email address for correspondence. Sponsored by: Advent Health of Manchester, Clay County Diabetes Coalition, Clay County Extension Office, Clay County Health Department & Red Bird Mission.

Recipes for Life will be September 10th and 24th at 10:00 am.  Come learn with us about eating nutritionally and enjoy a food demonstration.  We will send you educational information by mail, as well as provide a food demonstration by Facebook Live.  You must “like” the Clay County Cooperative Extension Service Facebook page to view the food demonstration.  Call 598-2789 to register and give us your physical address and phone number to receive the educational information.

4-H Cloverbud Kits will be available for Clay County youth ages 5-8. They will receive educational activities to complete at home. For the month of September, the activity will focus on Science & Technology by making a balloon rocket! The bag contains materials and a lesson to complete the activity. You must call to register and schedule a pick-up time. Pick-up dates: Week of September 8th-11th at the Clay County Extension Office.

4-H Crafty Artists in a Bag will be available for Clay County youth ages 5-18. This opportunity is a great way to explore your creative side! Participants that sign-up will receive supplies for an art project. Many of the projects will be eligible for the 4-H Showcase and KY State Fair in 2021. Kits will be available for the months of September and October. Project of the month for September is Shaving Cream Art. You must call 598-2789 to register and schedule an appointment for pick-up. Pick-up will be September 14th - 18th, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.

4-H Chefs in Training will be for Clay County youth ages 9-18. Are you interested in learning new cooking skills in the kitchen? Each month, youth can pick-up a kit containing a recipe and ingredients to get them started! For example, youth might receive 1 onion, taco seasoning packet, 1 can of corn, and 1 can of tomato sauce but will be responsible for purchasing other ingredients such as beef. Pick-up kits: Week of September 21st-25th at the Clay County Extension Office from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. This month's recipe: Confetti Bean Salsa. Limited kits will be available. You must call 598-2789 to register by September 16th & schedule a pick-up time.

♦4-H Cultural Exploration Kits is a great opportunity for youth age 9-18 to explore different cultures through foods and cultural art projects! Youth will receive some ingredients to get them started in the kitchen, recipe, lesson & cultural art materials to complete a project. Countries youth will be focusing on each week: Week 1: Japan (Sept. 21st-25th), Week 2: Mexico (Sept. 28th-Oct. 2nd), Week 3: Germany (Oct. 5th-9th) and Week 4: Brazil (Oct. 12th-16th) Pick-up location: Clay County Extension Office. You must call to register and schedule a pick-up date at 598-2789.

Dash Diet will be September 21st at 2:00 pm by Facebook Room (this may be by Zoom). About a year ago, we had a speaker that talked about our diet and brain health.  She told us that what was good for the heart was also good for the brain.  Join us on the 21st of September at 2:00 pm.  Please call 598-2789 to register and we must have your email address.

Diabetes Support Group will be September 22nd at 12:00 pm.  Tammy Pennington and Lora Howard will be presenting information on Diabetes.  Tammy will be providing educational information and Lora will be demonstrating a diabetic recipe.

Plate It Up will be September 23rd at 10:00 am on Facebook Live.  Lora will be demonstrating another plate it up recipe.  Remember, these recipes are foods that can be grown in our Kentucky gardens.  Join others that love to cook.

Cooking by the Calendar will be September 25th at 10:00 am on Facebook Live.  Lora will present the September recipe from the Food & Nutrition Calendar.  Join others that love to cook.

♦On September 29th at 2:00 pm on Facebook Live, join Lora for a short informational program, Mastering Food Choices which is the Homemaker leader training lesson for September.  We will be talking about making healthy food choices.  Program is open to the public.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.


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