


 How Accelecom, a Kentucky-based Fiber Optic Company, is Looking to Make the Commonwealth Attractive to More Companies

LOUISVILLE, KY -  Accelecom, a Kentucky-based fiber communication carrier which helps high bandwidth business users in Kentucky access reliable internet and ethernet services is a new player in the IT arena. Connecting all 120 counties and to build Kentucky's IT infrastructure for future growth, Accelecom is now announcing a Terabit transport service from Western and Eastern Kentucky cities to Louisville and Cincinnati.

This critical high speed network service is part of Accelecom's plan to connect rural Kentucky to main hubs and to bring cloud applications to the edge of Kentucky, aiming to continue to close the Commonwealth's digital divide and attract outside tech attention.

This region is generating interest from tech related companies and hyperscalers who commercialize high-speed technology. These and other large moves to this region of the country highlight a trend of companies eluding high costs and overcrowding by moving to locations like Kentucky. With this Terabit offering, we could see even more interest like this in the Commonwealth from other Silicon Valley giants.

Terabit ethernet is becoming the hottest trend in data centers as their clients continue to move to more online platforms. With Terabit technology, the Commonwealth will be able to attract these big tech players who are pumping through hundreds of Gigabits of data on a regular basis. As IoT (internet of things) continues to trend, businesses (and their data centers) will need more and more bandwidth. Accelecom has seen a major focus and growth within online platforms and, as more information is being transferred online, data companies need to be able to accommodate their tech clients.

With this offering, Kentucky can be positioned to support Silicon Valley tech giants which will ultimately bring in new businesses (and jobs) for the Commonwealth. Accelecom's Terabit offering is expected to be available in early 2022.

For more information on Accelecom or the Terabit launch, please visit us online at or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates.



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