
Post Your 2013 OSHA Recordkeeping Annual Summary By February 1, 2014

By: Fisher & Phillips LLP

Going into 2014, OSHA is continuing its focus of inspecting and, when alleged violations found, citing employers under its recordkeeping standard. Proper recordkeeping has become more critical to employers since OSHA recently issued a proposed rule to publish, in certain cases, the injury and illness data provided by employers.

All employers required to maintain the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s 300 Logs for workplace injuries and illnesses must post their 2013 annual summary by February 1, 2014, utilizing the annual summary form (form 300A). The form is available for downloading from the OSHA website at Note that even if you have no recordable injury or illness, you must still complete your 300 logs and post the 300A summary.

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