
TODAY - "Face to Face" Q. & A. Forum - Candidates for Manchester Mayor

Manchester, Ky. - A public ClayCoNews "Face to Face" question and answer forum/debate between the three mayoral candidates is scheduled for today Wednesday May 7, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. in the meeting room above the Clay County Library in downtown Manchester.

L. to R. - Mayor George Saylor, Barbara White Colter and James Ed Garrison

This will be the first in a planned series of "Face to Face" forums moderated by Clay County Cruisers President Jack Roberts before the 2014 May 20 primary election.

ClayCoNews has spoken directly with all three candidates. They had this to say:

Mayor George Saylor and candidate for re-election said: "I'll be there, just be sure to remind me again."

Manchester City Council member and candidate for mayor Barbara White Colter said: I'll certainly be present, I look forward to the opportunity for a debate with both the mayor and Mr. Garrison".

Former Chief of the Manchester Fire Department and candidate for mayor James Ed Garrison told us: I'll do my very best to be there, I have to work at the hospital on Wednesday but will try and be on time."

Also all local news media outlets have been notified of this very important forum as well as the Clay County High School.

Everyone that's interested in the future of Manchester is encouraged to attend, especially city residents.


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