Laurel County, Ky. - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Laurel County deputies along with Constable Chris Webb arrested 3 individuals on Friday afternoon April 3, 2015 at approximately 2:37 P.M..
The arrests occurred off Taylor Bridge Road approximately 4 miles south of London after Constable Webb observed a three-year-old and a five-year-old child outside a residence and unattended where he was attempting to serve court papers, and was unable to get any adults to come to the door of the residence there.
Laurel County Deputy Sgt. Robbie Grimes, along with Lieut. Greg Poynter, Deputy Rick Cloyd, and Deputy Tommy Houston responded to the residence along with social services to assist Constable Webb in an attempt to locate adults responsible for the children.
After more than 30 minutes, Officers found three adults hiding in the residence and conducted an investigation and learned that the two children had been dropped off at the residence for the adults to babysit them. Deputies also determined that the husband, wife, and son at the residence all had outstanding warrants of arrest.
Officers arrested Charles Smith age 43 off Taylor Bridge Rd., London charging him on a Laurel County bench warrant of arrest for assault – fourth degree – domestic violence. In addition, this subject was charged with wanton endangerment regarding the two children found in the front yard. This subject is apparently a registered sex offender.
Also arrested was Nancy Smith age 49 also Taylor Bridge Rd., London charged on a Whitley County bench warrant of arrest for failure to appear in court on traffic violations. In addition, this subject was charged with wanton endangerment regarding the two children found in the front yard.
Also arrested was Guy Smith age 22 of Cornett subdivision, London charged on a Laurel County Bench Warrant for failure to appear in court regarding traffic violations. In addition, this subject was charged with wanton endangerment regarding the two children found in the front yard.
Social services released the children to a parent who returned to the scene (that had originally left the children to be watched by these adults).
All arrested adults were lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.
Photos attached are courtesy of the Laurel County Detention Center.