
VA Office of Economic Opportunity / Choice Act - In State Tuition Requirement

Curtis L. Coy



By Curtis L Coy

Colleagues and Fellow Veterans,

I would like to provide you a brief update with respect to Section 702 of the Choice Act.

Today the Secretary of the Department of Veteran Affairs announced a blanket waiver to all non-compliant states until December 31, 2015 (granted a waiver).

In November, I wrote about the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (“the Choice Act”) which included a provision affecting students using the Post-9/11GI Bill® and Montgomery GI Bill.  The law requires us to disapprove programs under the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty at a public institutions of higher learning if the school charges certain individuals tuition and fees in excess of the resident rate for terms beginning after July 1, 2015.

We’ve been working with every state and territory since December on complying - no state or territory has indicated its schools do not intend to comply with the law. In fact, as of today 21 states comply with the resident rate-requirements of the Choice Act (

We are working hard to ensure all GI Bill beneficiaries have up to date information.  As well, we are updating the GI Bill website with the latest information as schools and states comply with these requirements. We will also post breaking information on the GI Bill Facebook page at

Folks may read our new FAQs by visiting and searching “702.” They can also call our hot line at 1-888-GIBILL-1 to speak with a Customer Service Representative who is ready to answer their questions.

Please help us raise awareness about this important law and the Secretary’s waiver by sending this missive to your colleagues.


Curtis L. Coy

Deputy under Secretary for Economic Opportunity

Veterans Benefits Administration

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Core Values:  Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, Excellence (“I CARE”)

Please Remember:

  • If you are seeking employment in the federal government, particularly the VA, our VA for Vets high-tech tools and resources can help. Visit online at or call1-855-824-8387.

If you would like to contact us about your VA education benefits:

You can send us a secure email that will usually be answered within 48 hours. You can also search for answers to frequently asked questions and register to be notified of any updates to the information. This contact method is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can also be utilized worldwide. Click here to enter the "Ask A Question" site or here to review our frequently asked questions.

You can call 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551). This line only accepts calls from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM central time Monday – Friday.


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