Laurel County, Ky. - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Deputy Larry Parrott along with Deputy Tommy Houston arrested 2 individuals exiting the pool area of Levi Jackson State Park, 2 miles south of London on Thursday evening July 9, 2015 at approximately 6:50 PM.
Deputies had received a complaint about a subject apparently passed out at the kiddie pool area of the Levi Jackson State Park.
When deputies arrived at the scene, they contacted pool employees at the park and learned that apparently two subjects had been passed out by the pool.
Deputies conducted an investigation on the two subjects determining that both were under the influence. In addition, deputies examined a cooler the male subject had with him and found a 750 ML bottle of vodka that had approximately 2 ounces left in it.
That male subject admitted to drinking and also admitted taking Neurontin tablets.
The female subject also admitted taking Neurontin.
Arrested was Joshua Angel age 39 Walnut Rd., Lily and Shawna Wilson age 38 of KY1232, Corbin - both charged with public intoxication – controlled substances.
The male subject slept at the Sheriff's office while deputies were attempting to book him.
Both individuals were lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.
Photos attached are courtesy of the Laurel County Detention Center.