
Statement Regarding Use of Public Funds for Planned Parenthood Programs in Kentucky

FRANKFORT, Ky. – “Last week, after repeated requests for information, a high-ranking official with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health & Family Services admitted that it provided at least $331,300 in taxpayer funding through local health departments to “Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky.”  The Cabinet official claimed that only federal funds were involved.

The source of these public funds is irrelevant. Except in emergency situations, only the Kentucky General Assembly has the constitutional authority to direct where funds, collected by the Kentucky Treasurer, will be appropriated.

Given the shocking and undeniable revelations about the marketing of organs and body parts from aborted babies, we are appalled to now learn that taxpayer dollars actually flow through Kentucky State Government into the coffers of this organization.

With unlimited access to tax payer funded women’s health care services guaranteed by Medicaid and kynect, there is absolutely no reasonable justification or purpose for funneling taxpayer dollars directly or indirectly to Planned Parenthood.

Recent highly publicized videos have, in astounding detail, demonstrated the appalling and cold-hearted willingness of top employees of Planned Parenthood to violate federal law and human conscience by profiteering from the flesh and organs of aborted babies.  Kentuckians will not tolerate the distribution of their tax dollars to this organization, and call upon the Governor and Attorney General to immediately and forever terminate all funding to Planned Parenthood.

House Republican Floor Leader Jeff Hoover

House Republican Caucus Chairman Stan Lee

House Republican Whip Jim DeCesare

Rep. Lynn Bechler

Rep. Robert Benvenuti

Rep. Kevin Bratcher

Rep. Regina Bunch

Rep. John ‘Bam” Carney

Rep. Tim Couch

Rep. Ron Crimm

Rep. Bob DeWeese

Rep. Myron Dossett

Rep. Jim DuPlessis

Rep. Joe Fischer

Rep. David Floyd

Rep. Mike Harmon

Rep. Richard Heath

Rep. Kenny Imes

Rep. Kim King

Rep. Adam Koenig

Rep. Brian Linder

Rep. Donna Mayfield

Rep. David Meade

Rep. Michael Meredith

Rep. Suzanne Miles

Rep. Jerry Miller

Rep. Phil Moffett

Rep. Tim Moore

Rep. Brad Montell

Rep. David Osborne

Rep. Ryan Quarles

Rep. Marie Rader

Rep. Bart Rowland

Rep. Steven Rudy

Rep. Sal Santoro

Rep. Jonathan Shell

Rep. Diane St. Onge

Rep. James Tipton

Rep. Ken Upchurch

Rep. Russell Webber

Rep. Addia Wuchner

Rep. Jill York


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