
Free seminar "Modern Money and You" being offered by LSO and First National Bank and Trust

Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root reminds everyone that First National Bank and Trust in conjunction with the Laurel County Sheriff's Office is offering a seminar entitled "Modern Money and You."

The program is scheduled for Thursday, October 8, 2015, at 5:30 PM and will be held at First National Bank and Trust at 202 South Main Street, London on the third floor in the bank (this is the bank's main office).

Topics that will be discussed by Elizabeth Sparks of First National Bank will include modern payment systems including EMV cards, Apple pay, online and mobile banking, identity theft protection, scams, fraud, and schemes, retirement planning tips, and Detective Kevin Berry from the Laurel Sheriff's Office will speak about crimes associated with identity theft, frauds and scams.

Everyone is invited to attend this free seminar.


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