
Sweet Vidalia Onion Sale - Orders must be in by April 15th

Clay County KY - According to local Shriner Hobart Hensley the annual Shriners Vidalia Onion Sale through the Leslie County Shrine Club will soon be ending.  The onions are $10.00 per 10 pound sack. Here's how to make sure you don't miss out.

Hensley says that all orders must be received by April 15th and you can place your order by calling Ronnie “Onion Man” Gay at 606-672-3353 or himself at 606-598-1146.

Did you know?

Vidalia Onions are the pioneer of sweet onions and Georgia’s official State Vegetable. Grown only in the mild climate and unique soil surrounding Vidalia, they’re loved by chefs and home cooks throughout the world. Learn more at the Vidalia Onion Museum, located at 100 Sweet Onion Drive in Vidalia. Because Vidalia Onions are sweetly unique, farmers united and sought legal protection of their crop and its name. Federal Marketing Order No. 955 was established in 1989 to stipulate how and where the crop can be grown and sold.



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