Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Deputy John Inman along with Deputy Gilbert Acciardo participated in a Career Day event at Keavy Elementary School on Friday morning April 1st, 2016.
Deputies provided an exhibit with pictures of the many services that the Laurel County Sheriff's Office provide. In addition, deputies presented a short informal talk with the students.
Deputy Inman, who is a member of the sheriff's office SRU (Special Response Unit) demonstrated the equipment vest worn by team members.
The deputies enjoyed their interaction with all the students of Keavy School. Sheriff Root appreciates the opportunity for his deputies to participate and interact with Laurel County children stating that: "our young people are the future leaders of our county."
Pictured are students from Karen Osborne's 1st grade class at the Laurel Sheriff's Office informational exhibit, on the back row is (Left to Right) Trooper Lloyd Cochran, Deputy Gilbert Acciardo, and Deputy John Inman.