Jackson County, KY - Jackson County Sheriff Paul S. Hays is reporting that on Monday, April 4, 2016 at approximately 1337 hours, Jackson County Dispatch was notified of an accident at 401 Hazel Branch Road, approximately two miles west of Annville, KY.
Personnel from Jackson County EMS and Pond Creek Fire Department were immediately dispatched to the scene. Upon arrival they located Mr. Cecil Jones, 69 year old male from Manchester, KY lying underneath a pickup truck.
According to information received, Mr. Frank Peters and Cecil Jones were working together behind a home off of Hazel Branch Road trimming trees around the residence. The terrain behind the residence was a steep hillside.
The two subjects tied a long rope to a tree limb and attached the other end to the pickup truck, to avoid the limb falling onto the residence. As the rope was pulled tight and the vehicle brought to a stop, apparently the vehicle either jumped out of gear or the driver failed to put the vehicle completely into the parked position.
Mr. Peters attempted to stop the vehicle, however the truck rolled backwards onto Cecil Jones, resulting in his death.
There was no intent to cause injury to the victim and it is believed the death was an unfortunate accident.
NEW UPDATE: According to Jackson County Sheriff Paul S. Hays: On April 5, 2016, when the vehicle was being removed from the scene by a wrecker company, the driver and his assistant discovered the brake lines had already ruptured, causing the fluid to pour out of the vehicle and ultimately the brakes to completely fail. Mr. Peters was unable to stop the vehicle which resulted in the death of Mr. Jones.
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