
Kentucky Afield Outdoors: Give the gift of the outdoors this holiday season

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Catalogs, emails and commercials touting must-have gifts this holiday season fill our mailboxes, flood our inboxes and splash across our television screens as the biggest shopping weekend of the year is here.

Amid the avalanche of gift ideas, there are some guaranteed to please the outdoors enthusiast on your list.

Five Questions with Kentucky's Deer and Elk Program Coordinator Gabe Jenkins

When Kentucky’s modern gun deer season opened statewide on Nov. 8., Gabe Jenkins had been in his new role as the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ deer and elk program coordinator for a little more than a month.

Dewey Lake receives stocking of Muskellunge

FRANKFORT, Ky. – Muskellunge have returned to Dewey Lake in Floyd County.

McConnell Statement on the Resignation of Chuck Hagel

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell



Louisville, KY – Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement today regarding the resignation of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel:

Santa Claus is coming to town - Great Sale and FREE Refreshments!!

A coupon for "T H E T O Y H O U S E" purchases is in this announcement

Manchester, Ky. - Santa Claus will be making a stop in Manchester today.



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