
Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States/2024 Presidential Candidate

Opinion Statement in Regards to Israel by Donald J. Trump, 2024 U.S.A. Presidential Candidate

Opinion by Donald J. Trump, 2024 U.S.A. Presidential Candidate

There was no better friend or ally of Israel than President Donald J. Trump. Under my leadership, the United States stood in complete solidarity with Israel, and as a result, Israel was safe, America was safe, and for the first time in decades, we made historic strides for Peace in the Middle East.

As an example, all of the experts said that the Abraham Accords couldn't be done, but we got them done, and were able to set the Middle East in a new and positive direction.

Crooked Joe Biden's weakness and incompetence has empowered and emboldened our enemies all over the World, and now, many lives have been so needlessly lost. What a horrible failure Biden has been in sending 6 Billion Dollars to Iran, in a simple hostage swap, when Iran is the state sponsor of terrorist groups, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others.

Biden's massive loosening of sanctions allowed 80 - 100 Billion Dollars of Iranian oil sales—much of which the regime poured into financing its bloody campaigns of terror around the globe.

When I was President, and exclusively because of me, Iran was BROKE, and wanting to make a deal. No wonder the World is in absolute chaos! With President Trump back in office, Israel, and everyone else, will be SAFE AGAIN!


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