Adams Commends Governor for Signing House Bill 302 into Law
FRANKFORT, KY (March 23, 2023) – Secretary of State Michael Adams is pleased to announce that bipartisan election reform continues in Kentucky with the signature of Governor Beshear on House Bill 302.
“Kentucky remains the only state reforming its election process in bipartisan fashion, and this law will help voters across the political spectrum,” said Adams. “I commend Governor Beshear for signing this bill, and Representative Jennifer Decker and Senator Damon Thayer for all their work in drafting it and getting it to his desk.”
Among other things, House Bill 302 grants Adams’ request to tighten the law that lets county clerks consolidate the number of voting locations available on election day. The bill also applies to early voting days the ban on electioneering within 100 feet of an election-day voting location.
Each year of Adams’ term, he has worked with legislators of both parties to successfully pass bipartisan election reform legislation.
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