
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell on Return to Senate and Debt Ceiling

We are truly lucky and blessed to get to serve in this remarkable institution, represent our home states, and serve our country. I’m very happy to be back… There’s important business for Congress to tackle. We should be working to undo this Administration’s mistakes. We need to secure the border, reduce crime, fight inflation, and invest in America’s strength and security.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding his return to the Senate and the economy:

“Mr. President, it’s good to be back.

“I want to thank all my colleagues for the warm wishes they shared over the past few weeks.

“Suffice to say — this wasn’t the first time that being hard-headed has served me well!

“We are truly lucky and blessed to get to serve in this remarkable institution, represent our home states, and serve our country. I’m very happy to be back.

“There’s important business for Congress to tackle. We should be working to undo this Administration’s mistakes. We need to secure the border, reduce crime, fight inflation, and invest in America’s strength and security.

“On an even more basic level, President Biden and his Administration are ‘on the clock’ to negotiate a debt ceiling solution with Speaker McCarthy and the Republican majority in the House.

“The President’s economic advisors say the deadline for a solution is not far off. But his political advisors apparently think the White House’s position should be no talks and no reforms.

“This extreme position is not even holding up in their own party. Even Washington Democrats are breaking ranks from the Administration’s position of no talks and no reforms.

“One of our Senate Democratic colleagues wrote an entire Washington Post op-ed calling on the President to sit down with Congress and reform spending. Reports indicate that a whole ‘group of House Democrats’ are already talking about negotiations and compromise.

“Just a few years ago, the Democratic Leader, Leader Schumer, said this about the debt ceiling. He said it, ‘gives another ample opportunity for bipartisanship, not for one party jamming its choices down the throats of the other.’

“President Biden does not get to stick his fingers in his ears and refuse to listen, talk, or negotiate. And the American people know that.

“The White House needs to stop wasting time and start negotiating with Speaker McCarthy.”



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