
CPE President Aaron Thompson

Statement from Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) President Aaron Thompson on Kentucky Gov. Beshear’s Budget Proposal

CPE is grateful to the Governor for his proposed budget for higher education. He addresses key areas that are essential to strengthening our colleges and universities and improving educational opportunity.

Importantly, his budget provides additional funding to the base budgets of the campuses to address inflationary cost increases and support faculty and staff. It also recognizes the need for funding to address building and infrastructure needs, student aid and workforce development. The prosperity of our state is directly linked to the education and skills of our workforce.

We look forward to working with the legislature during the upcoming session to build on the Governor’s proposal recognizing that a strong system of public colleges and universities has the potential to transform lives, drive economic growth and make Kentucky a more vibrant state to live and work.


The Council on Postsecondary Education is leading transformation in our workforce, economy and quality of life by advancing progress in educational attainment across Kentucky. As the state’s higher education coordinating agency, we champion high-quality, inclusive and affordable postsecondary opportunities that prepare students for civic engagement and sustainable careers. That’s why we are undertaking the 60x30 goal, an ambitious effort to raise the percentage of working-age Kentuckians with a postsecondary degree or certificate to 60% by the year 2030. At CPE, we believe that higher education matters – for everyone.


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