
Circuit Court judges from across Kentucky participate in judicial college

FRANKFORT, Ky. -- Circuit Court judges from across Kentucky participated in the 2013 Circuit Judges Fall College that took place Nov. 18-20 in Lexington. The Administrative Office of the Courts provided the judicial education program for the state’s circuit judges.

The judges received updates on case law and legislation and attended sessions on court technology, bail, e-discovery, and court interpreting for individuals who are deaf or non-English-speaking. The judges also heard from Chief Justice of Kentucky John D. Minton Jr. about trends in the state court system.

“While justice remains as the core of what we do, certain aspects of being a judge have changed since many of us took office,” said Jefferson Family Court Judge Stephen M. George, who was elected president of the Kentucky Circuit Judges Association at the college. “Today, the makeup of our citizenry is different, technology is part of everyday life and we’re operating under a budget crisis. These factors affect the way judges carry out our duties, and it’s important that we use the resources that are available to us to help us better serve the public.”

Circuit judges also had the opportunity to attend courses about problem-solving courts such as Veterans Treatment Courts and Drug Court, substance abuse issues, search and seizure, tax delinquency, and bankruptcy’s effect on state court rulings. Another session focused on a judge’s responsibilities in appointing counsel for defendants and in considering waivers of counsel from defendants who want to represent themselves.

Circuit Court is the court of general jurisdiction that hears civil matters involving more than $5,000, capital offenses and felonies, divorces, adoptions, termination of parental rights, land dispute title cases and contested probate cases.

The college also offered sessions specifically for Family Court judges about child traumatic stress and recent federal legislation on child abuse and neglect and children in foster care. Family Court is a division of Circuit Court. In counties that have a Family Court, the court has primary jurisdiction in cases involving family issues, including divorces, adoption, child support, domestic violence and juvenile status offenses.

The college included 18.75 hours of continuing education credit for the circuit judges. The AOC Division of Judicial Branch Education provides continuing education for judges and circuit court clerks.

Administrative Office of the Courts 

The Administrative Office of the Courts in Frankfort is the operations arm for the state court system. The AOC supports the activities of nearly 3,300 court system employees and 403 elected justices, judges and circuit court clerks. As the fiscal agent for the state court system, the AOC executes the Judicial Branch budget.

By county, Circuit Court judges who participated in the college include:

Adair County
Circuit Court Judge Judy D. Vance (serves Adair and Casey counties)

Allen County
Family Court Judge Sid Broderson (serves Allen and Simpson counties)
Circuit Court Judge Janet J. Crocker (serves Allen and Simpson counties)

Anderson County
Circuit Court Judge Charles R. Hickman (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)
Family Court Judge John David Myles (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)

Ballard County
Circuit Court Judge Timothy A. Langford (serves Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman counties)

Barren County
Family Court Judge W. Mitchell Nance (serves Barren and Metcalfe counties)
Circuit Court Judge Phillip R. Patton (serves Barren and Metcalfe counties)

Bath County
Circuit Court Judge William E. Lane (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Beth Lewis Maze (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)

Bell County
Bell County Circuit Court Judge Robert V. Costanzo

Boone County
Family Court Judge Linda Rae Bramlage (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)
Circuit Court Judge Anthony W. Frohlich (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)
Circuit Court Judge James R. Schrand (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)

Bourbon County
Family Court Judge Tamra Gormley (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Paul F. Isaacs (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert Johnson (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)

Boyle County
Circuit Court Judge Darren W. Peckler (serves Boyle and Mercer counties)
Family Court Judge Bruce Petrie (serves Boyle and Mercer counties)

Bracken County
Circuit Court Judge Stockton B. Wood (serves Bracken, Fleming and Mason counties)

Breathitt County
Circuit Court Judge Frank A. Fletcher (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)
Family Court Judge Larry Miller (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)

Breckinridge County
Circuit Court Judge Bruce T. Butler (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert A. Miller (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)

Bullitt County
Bullitt County Circuit Court Judge Rodney D. Burress
Bullitt County Family Court Judge Elisè Givhan Spainhour

Butler County
Circuit Court Judge Ronnie C. Dortch (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)
Family Court Judge Michael McKown (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)

Caldwell County
Circuit Court Judge C. A. Woodall III (serves Caldwell, Livingston, Lyon and Trigg counties)

Calloway County
Circuit Court Judge Dennis R. Foust (serves Calloway and Marshall counties)
Family Court Judge Rob Mattingly (serves Calloway and Marshall counties)

Campbell County
Campbell County Circuit Court Judge Julie Reinhardt Ward
Campbell County Circuit Court Judge Richard A. Woeste

Carlisle County
Circuit Court Judge Timothy A. Langford (serves Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman counties)

Carroll County
Circuit Court Judge Stephen L. Bates (serves Carroll, Grant and Owen counties)

Carter County
Family Court Judge David D. Flatt (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Rebecca K. Phillips (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)

Casey County
Circuit Court Judge Judy D. Vance (serves Adair and Casey counties)

Christian County
Christian County Family Court Judge Jason Shea Fleming

Clark County
Circuit Court Judge William G. Clouse Jr. (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Circuit Court Judge Jean C. Logue (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Family Court Judge Nora J. Shepherd (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Family Court Judge Jeffrey M. Walson (serves Clark and Madison counties)

Clay County
Family Court Judge Gene Clark (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)
Circuit Court Judge Oscar Gayle House (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)

Clinton County
Circuit Court Judge David Williams (serves Clinton, Cumberland and Monroe counties)

Crittenden County
Family Court Judge William E. Mitchell (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)
Circuit Court Judge C. Rene’ Williams (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)

Cumberland County
Circuit Court Judge David Williams (serves Clinton, Cumberland and Monroe counties)

Daviess County
Daviess County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Castlen
Daviess County Circuit Court Judge Jay A. Wethington

Edmonson County
Circuit Court Judge Ronnie C. Dortch (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)
Family Court Judge Michael McKown (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)

Elliott County
Family Court Judge David D. Flatt (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Rebecca K. Phillips (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)

Estill County
Circuit Court Judge Thomas P. Jones (serves Estill, Lee and Owsley counties)

Fayette County
Fayette County Circuit Court Judge Kimberly Nell Bunnell
Fayette County Circuit Court Judge Thomas L. Clark
Fayette County Circuit Court Judge James D. Ishmael Jr.
Fayette County Family Court Judge Lucinda Masterton
Fayette County Family Court Judge Timothy N. Philpot
Fayette County Family Court Judge John P. Schrader
Fayette County Circuit Court Judge Ernesto Scorsone
Fayette County Family Court Judge Kathy W. Stein

Fleming County
Circuit Court Judge Stockton B. Wood (serves Bracken, Fleming and Mason counties)

Floyd County
Floyd County Circuit Court Judge John David Caudill
Floyd County Circuit Court Judge Johnny Ray Harris

Family Court Judge Dwight S. Marshall (serves Floyd, Knott and Magoffin counties)

Franklin County
Franklin County Circuit Court Judge Phillip Shepherd
Franklin County Family Court Judge Squire Williams III
Franklin County Circuit Court Judge Thomas D. Wingate

Fulton County
Circuit Court Judge Timothy A. Langford (serves Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman counties)

Gallatin County
Family Court Judge Linda Rae Bramlage (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)
Circuit Court Judge Anthony W. Frohlich (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)
Circuit Court Judge James R. Schrand (serves Boone and Gallatin counties)

Garrard County
Circuit Court Judge Hunter Daugherty (serves Garrard and Jessamine counties)

Grant County
Circuit Court Judge Stephen L. Bates (serves Carroll, Grant and Owen counties)

Graves County
Graves County Circuit Court Judge Timothy C. Stark

Grayson County
Circuit Court Judge Bruce T. Butler (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert A. Miller (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)

Green County
Circuit Court Judge Allan Ray Bertram (serves Green, Marion, Taylor and Washington counties)

Greenup County
Circuit Court Judge Robert Conley (serves Greenup and Lewis counties)
Family Court Judge Jeffrey L. Preston (serves Greenup and Lewis counties)

Hancock County
Circuit Court Judge Ronnie C. Dortch (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)
Family Court Judge Michael McKown (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)

Hardin County
Hardin County Family Court Judge Pamela K. Addington
Hardin County Circuit Court Judge Kelly Mark Easton
Hardin County Family Court Judge Brent Hall
Hardin County Circuit Court Judge Ken M. Howard

Harlan County
Harlan County Circuit Court Judge Henry Stuart Johnson

Harrison County
Circuit Court Judge Jay Delaney (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)
Family Court Judge Barbara L. Paul (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)

Hart County
Circuit Court Judge John David “Jack” Seay (serves Hart, LaRue and Nelson counties)

Henderson County
Henderson County Family Court Judge Sheila N. Farris
Henderson County Circuit Court Judge Karen L. Wilson

Henry County
Circuit Court Judge Karen A. Conrad (serves Henry, Oldham and Trimble counties)

Hickman County
Circuit Court Judge Timothy A. Langford (serves Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman counties)

Hopkins County
Hopkins County Circuit Court Judge James Brantley
Hopkins County Family Court Judge Susan Wesley McClure

Jackson County
Family Court Judge Gene Clark (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)
Circuit Court Judge Oscar Gayle House (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)

Jefferson County
Jefferson Family Court Judge Dolly W. Berry
Jefferson Circuit Judge Angela McCormick Bisig
Jefferson Family Court Judge Jerry J. Bowles
Jefferson Family Court Judge Joan L. Byer
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge A. C. McKay Chauvin
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Frederic J. Cowan
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Charles L. Cunningham Jr.
Jefferson Family Court Judge Donna L. Delahanty
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Audra Jean Eckerle
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Brian C. Edwards
Jefferson Family Court Judge Patricia Walker FitzGerald
Jefferson Family Court Judge Eleanore M. Garber
Jefferson Family Court Judge Stephen M. George
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Susan Schultz Gibson
Jefferson Family Court Judge Hugh Smith Haynie Jr.
Jefferson Circuit Judge Judith McDonald-Burkman
Jefferson Family Court Judge Joseph W. O’Reilly
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Mitch Perry
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge James M. Shake
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Mary M. Shaw
Jefferson Family Court Judge Paula Sherlock
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Olu A. Stevens
Jefferson Circuit Court Judge Barry Willett

Jessamine County
Circuit Court Judge Hunter Daugherty (serves Garrard and Jessamine counties)

Johnson County
Family Court Judge Janie McKenzie-Wells (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)
Circuit Court Judge John David Preston (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)

Kenton County
Kenton County Circuit Court Judge Gregory Bartlett
Kenton County Family Court Judge Christopher J. Mehling
Kenton County Circuit Court Judge Martin J. Sheehan
Kenton County Circuit Court Judge Patricia M. Summe

Knott County
Circuit Court Judge Kim Cornett Childers (serves Knott and Magoffin counties)

Family Court Judge Dwight S. Marshall (serves Floyd, Knott and Magoffin counties)

Knox County
Circuit Court Judge Thomas L. Jensen (serves Knox and Laurel counties)
Circuit Court Judge Gregory A. Lay (serves Knox and Laurel counties)

LaRue County
Circuit Court Judge John David “Jack” Seay (serves Hart, LaRue and Nelson counties)

Laurel County
Circuit Court Judge Thomas L. Jensen (serves Knox and Laurel counties)
Circuit Court Judge Gregory A. Lay (serves Knox and Laurel counties)

Lawrence County
Family Court Judge Janie McKenzie-Wells (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)
Circuit Court Judge John David Preston (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)

Lee County
Circuit Court Judge Thomas P. Jones (serves Estill, Lee and Owsley counties)

Leslie County
Family Court Judge Gene Clark (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)
Circuit Court Judge Oscar Gayle House (serves Clay, Jackson and Leslie counties)

Letcher County
Letcher County Circuit Court Judge Samuel T. Wright III

Lewis County
Circuit Court Judge Robert Conley (serves Greenup and Lewis counties)
Family Court Judge Jeffrey L. Preston (serves Greenup and Lewis counties)

Lincoln County
Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey T. Burdette (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Circuit Court Judge David A. Tapp (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Family Court Judge Marcus L. Vanover (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)

Livingston County
Circuit Court Judge C. A. Woodall III (serves Caldwell, Livingston, Lyon and Trigg counties)

Logan County
Circuit Court Judge Tyler L. Gill (serves Logan and Todd counties)

Lyon County
Circuit Court Judge C. A. Woodall III (serves Caldwell, Livingston, Lyon and Trigg counties)

Madison County
Circuit Court Judge William G. Clouse Jr. (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Circuit Court Judge Jean C. Logue (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Family Court Judge Nora J. Shepherd (serves Clark and Madison counties)
Family Court Judge Jeffrey M. Walson (serves Clark and Madison counties)

Magoffin County
Circuit Court Judge Kim Cornett Childers (serves Knott and Magoffin counties)

Family Court Judge Dwight S. Marshall (serves Floyd, Knott and Magoffin counties)

Marion County
Circuit Court Judge Allan Ray Bertram (serves Green, Marion, Taylor and Washington counties)

Marshall County
Circuit Court Judge Dennis R. Foust (serves Calloway and Marshall counties)
Family Court Judge Rob Mattingly (serves Calloway and Marshall counties)

Martin County
Family Court Judge Janie McKenzie-Wells (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)
Circuit Court Judge John David Preston (serves Johnson, Lawrence and Martin counties)

Mason County
Circuit Court Judge Stockton B. Wood (serves Bracken, Fleming and Mason counties)

McCracken County
McCracken County Circuit Court Judge Craig Z. Clymer
McCracken County Circuit Court Judge Tim Kaltenbach
McCracken County Family Court Judge Cynthia E. Sanderson

McCreary County
Circuit Court Judge Daniel Ballou (McCreary and Whitley counties)
Circuit Court Judge Paul K. Winchester (serves McCreary and Whitley counties)

McLean County
Circuit Court Judge Brian W. Wiggins (serves McLean and Muhlenberg counties)

Meade County
Circuit Court Judge Bruce T. Butler (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert A. Miller (serves Breckinridge, Grayson and Meade counties)

Menifee County
Circuit Court Judge William E. Lane (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Beth Lewis Maze (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)

Mercer County
Circuit Court Judge Darren W. Peckler (serves Boyle and Mercer counties)
Family Court Judge Bruce Petrie (serves Boyle and Mercer counties)

Metcalfe County
Family Court Judge W. Mitchell Nance (serves Barren and Metcalfe counties)
Circuit Court Judge Phillip R. Patton (serves Barren and Metcalfe counties)

Monroe County
Circuit Court Judge David Williams (serves Clinton, Cumberland and Monroe counties)

Montgomery County
Circuit Court Judge William E. Lane (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Beth Lewis Maze (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)

Morgan County
Family Court Judge David D. Flatt (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Rebecca K. Phillips (serves Carter, Elliott and Morgan counties)

Muhlenberg County
Circuit Court Judge Brian W. Wiggins (serves McLean and Muhlenberg counties)

Nelson County
Circuit Court Judge John David “Jack” Seay (serves Hart, LaRue and Nelson counties)

Nicholas County
Circuit Court Judge Jay Delaney (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)
Family Court Judge Barbara L. Paul (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)

Ohio County
Circuit Court Judge Ronnie C. Dortch (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)
Family Court Judge Michael McKown (serves Butler, Edmonson, Hancock and Ohio counties)

Oldham County
Circuit Court Judge Karen A. Conrad (serves Henry, Oldham and Trimble counties)

Owen County
Circuit Court Judge Stephen L. Bates (serves Carroll, Grant and Owen counties)

Owsley County
Circuit Court Judge Thomas P. Jones (serves Estill, Lee and Owsley counties)

Pendleton County
Circuit Court Judge Jay Delaney (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)
Family Court Judge Barbara L. Paul (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)

Perry County
Perry County Circuit Court Judge William Engle III

Pike County
Pike County Circuit Court Judge Eddy Coleman
Pike County Circuit Court Judge Steven D. Combs
Pike County Family Court Judge Larry E. Thompson

Powell County
Circuit Court Judge Frank A. Fletcher (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)
Family Court Judge Larry Miller (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)

Pulaski County
Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey T. Burdette (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Circuit Court Judge David A. Tapp (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Family Court Judge Marcus L. Vanover (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)

Robertson County
Circuit Court Judge Jay Delaney (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)
Family Court Judge Barbara L. Paul (serves Harrison, Nicholas, Pendleton and Robertson counties)

Rockcastle County
Circuit Court Judge Jeffrey T. Burdette (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Circuit Court Judge David A. Tapp (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)
Family Court Judge Marcus L. Vanover (serves Lincoln, Pulaski and Rockcastle counties)

Rowan County
Circuit Court Judge William E. Lane (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)
Circuit Court Judge Beth Lewis Maze (serves Bath, Menifee, Montgomery and Rowan counties)

Russell County
Family Court Judge Jennifer Upchurch Edwards (serves Russell and Wayne counties)
Circuit Court Judge Vernon Miniard Jr. (serves Russell and Wayne counties)

Scott County
Family Court Judge Tamra Gormley (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Paul F. Isaacs (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert Johnson (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)

Shelby County
Circuit Court Judge Charles R. Hickman (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)
Family Court Judge John David Myles (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)

Simpson County
Family Court Judge Sid Broderson (serves Allen and Simpson counties)
Circuit Court Judge Janet J. Crocker (serves Allen and Simpson counties)

Spencer County
Circuit Court Judge Charles R. Hickman (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)
Family Court Judge John David Myles (serves Anderson, Shelby and Spencer counties)

Taylor County
Circuit Court Judge Allan Ray Bertram (serves Green, Marion, Taylor and Washington counties)

Todd County
Circuit Court Judge Tyler L. Gill (serves Logan and Todd counties)

Trigg County
Circuit Court Judge C. A. Woodall III (serves Caldwell, Livingston, Lyon and Trigg counties)

Trimble County
Circuit Court Judge Karen A. Conrad (serves Henry, Oldham and Trimble counties)

Union County
Family Court Judge William E. Mitchell (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)
Circuit Court Judge C. Rene’ Williams (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)

Warren County
Warren County Circuit Court Judge John R. Grise
Warren County Family Court Judge Catherine Rice Holderfield
Warren County Circuit Court Judge Steve Alan Wilson

Washington County
Circuit Court Judge Allan Ray Bertram (serves Green, Marion, Taylor and Washington counties)

Wayne County
Family Court Judge Jennifer Upchurch Edwards (serves Russell and Wayne counties)
Circuit Court Judge Vernon Miniard Jr. (serves Russell and Wayne counties)

Webster County
Family Court Judge William E. Mitchell (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)
Circuit Court Judge C. Rene’ Williams (serves Crittenden, Union and Webster counties)

Whitley County
Circuit Court Judge Daniel Ballou (McCreary and Whitley counties)
Circuit Court Judge Paul K. Winchester (serves McCreary and Whitley counties)

Wolfe County
Circuit Court Judge Frank A. Fletcher (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)
Family Court Judge Larry Miller (serves Breathitt, Powell and Wolfe counties)

Woodford County
Family Court Judge Tamra Gormley (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Paul F. Isaacs (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)
Circuit Court Judge Robert Johnson (serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties)


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