
Executive Director of the Kentucky Work Ready Communities to make presentation at Chamber of Commerce's 1st 2015 meeting

Clay County one of thirteen counties in the state that has not taken any action to
initiate the Work Ready Community Initiative

Manchester, Ky. - The Manchester/Clay County Chamber of Commerce will have it's regular scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 14th at 12:00 Noon. The meeting will be held at City Hall in downtown Manchester, KY.

Chamber meetings are open to the public with everyone welcome, especially those individuals that are interested in the economic development of Clay County & Manchester.

A free lunch is usually provided at all Chamber of Commerce meetings.

Robert Curry the Executive Director of the Kentucky Work Ready Communities initiative in Education and Workforce Development Cabinet will be making a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce Wednesday, January the 14th at 12:00 at City Hall.

Clay County is only one of thirteen counties in the state that has not taken any action to initiate the Work Ready Community Initiative.

This is promoted to all businesses looking to locate in the state, it includes community resources, businesses, and education resources alike.

"It will take everyone working together to accomplish Clay County attaining a Work Ready Community designation by the Governor." Said Karen Lawson Purchasing Supervisor / Procurement Officer Clay County Public Schools.


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