Laurel County, Ky. - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Laurel Sheriff’s Deputy Shawn Jackson and Sgt. Brett Reeves arrested two individuals on Monday night February 9, 2015 at approximately 11:00 P.M.
The arrests occurred at Walmart near Corbin in southern Laurel County after Walmart's loss prevention team phoned Laurel Dispatch that they had observed a male subject in the store using a knife to open merchandise and conceal it in a coat on his person.
When deputies arrived at the scene they observed the male subject concealing watches and other items in his jacket. When deputies confronted the suspect to place him under arrest, the subject jerked away from deputies refusing to cooperate with deputies.
During the investigation, deputies recovered numerous stolen items from the suspect's jacket concealed in the jacket pockets and sleeves to include 20-30 watches, markers, coloring books, sunglasses and other items with a total value of over $474.
Also deputies determined that this subject was under the influence. This subject told deputies that he intended to sell the stolen merchandise to pay his bills.
Earnest McIntyre was charged with theft by unlawful taking – shoplifting; public intoxication – controlled substances; and resisting arrest.
Also arrested was Tiffany Gray age 20 of Ky Hwy 6, Gray, ky. Charged with theft by unlawful taking – shoplifting.
When confronted by deputies this subject advised she had items hidden in her clothes. Deputies recovered several markers, a thermal shirt all concealed in her pockets and on her person.
This subject stated she was stealing to pay her bills.
Both subjects were lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.
Assisting on the investigation was Detective Josh Scott.
Photos of the accused attached are courtesy of the Laurel County Detention Center.
Photo of the recovered stolen merchandise courtesy of Deputy Shawn Jackson.