Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that Deputy Kyle Gray is seeking the whereabouts of a male suspect being sought regarding a theft of numerous tools valued at over $2000 that occurred on US 25 North of London at a residential construction site, and also the theft of a red colored Suzuki four wheeler stolen off White Oak Road approximately 5 weeks ago.
On Sunday, November 29, 2015, a security guard at a business located off KY 80 West of London located a large amount of tools that were hidden in a thicket nearby. Deputy Josh Scott responded to the scene and through investigation determined that the tools found there had been stolen from a residential construction site off US 25 North.
Over $1500 of the stolen tools were recovered and will be returned to their owner. In addition, a Suzuki four wheeler that had been spray painted black was determined to be the one stolen off White Oak Road and it too was recovered there and will be returned to its lawful owner.
The suspect being sought is identified as Curtis Brandon Brewer and was allegedly observed driving the stolen Suzuki four wheeler that had been reported stolen to Deputy Jamie Grimes. Anyone with any information on the whereabouts of Curtis Brandon Brewer age 37 of Ridge Wood Rd., London is asked to contact the Laurel County Sheriff's office at 606-864-6600 or 606-878-7000 – information will be strictly confidential.
Curtis Brandon Brewer is described as 5'9" weighing 150 pounds. This subject is also being sought on a Kentucky parole violation warrant regarding convictions in Laurel Circuit Court for burglary, first degree; burglary – third-degree and is wanted for absconding parole supervision and failure to report to parole officer as directed.
In addition,, this subject is being sought on a Laurel County warrant of arrest charging theft by unlawful taking – auto - regarding a complaint investigated by Trooper John Pratt of the London State Police post where allegedly this subject stole a 97 Chevrolet pickup truck from a person's residence.
Also this subject is wanted on a Knox County warrant of arrest charging receiving stolen property $10,000 or more – regarding a case investigated by KSP trooper Chad Gregory of the Harlan State Police post regarding this subject allegedly being in possession of a semi tractor-trailer that was reported as stolen property and found abandoned in Knox County.
Photos of recovered stolen property provided by investigating deputies.
Inset photo of the accused provided by the LSO.