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Allied Health Science Students Learn Emergency Care Skills

Laurel County, KY - Ashlee Jones, student at the CFI, is practicing the fundamentals of emergency wound care with patient, Dr. James M. Davis, Principal of the Center for Innovation.

Mr. Ed Bowling, Allied Health Science (AHS) instructor at the CFI, provided training on the fundamentals of emergency wound care to include how to assess an injury, the various types of injury, and the emergency procedures necessary for medical intervention. Students learned universal safety precautions, situational analysis, and patient care protocols. Ms. Shannon Sizemore, English instructor, provides training in the appropriate use of language skills and professional standards for using communication to collect, document, and report patient information. Mrs. Samantha Bryant, Math instructor, provides significant training in the use and function of math skills in dosage calculations and the accurate use of numerical data in delivering patient care.

Students in the AHS program at the CFI learn principles of healthcare delivery, emergency medical procedures, medical terminology, and are prepared to earn career ready credentials in CPR, First Aid, as well as Medicaid Nurse Aide and Pharmacy Technician. Additionally, the AHS program collaborated with Union College officials to create a student matriculation and admissions agreement whereby qualified students would be able to earn direct admissions into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN) program upon graduation from high school.

For more information about the programs of study at the CFI you can contact your high school guidance counselor, a member of the faculty at the CFI at 862-5580, or visit the CFI web page by clicking HERE.



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