
DrugFree article of interest - Submitted by Dale Morton



Kentucky’s law designed to reduce prescription drug abuse has raised awareness about the problem, but has had some unintended consequences, according to an addiction medicine specialist in the state.

Maine Agencies Cannibalized by Welfare Spending

AUGUSTA – As liberals continue to push for a massive expansion of welfare, Governor Paul R. LePage is reminding Mainers how Medicaid spending is already crowding out revenue for all other state agencies.

Frankfort Inside Out - Legislative Update

The 2014 session of the Kentucky General Assembly has reached the half-way point, with 32 of the 60 days behind them.

Public-private partnership legislation filed

Creating economic opportunities for Kentuckians and helping tax dollars go farther are key elements of House Bill (HB) 407, filed Wednesday by Rep. Leslie Combs.

Indictment of Former Treatment Center Co-Owner

Attorney General Jack Conway and his Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Control Unit have announced that a former co-owner of a Barren County mental health treatment center has been indicted on charges involving theft and fraud.


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