Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Deputy Kyle Gray arrested Ford Herrell, Jr. age 26 of highway 1223, Corbin on Saturday evening April 23, 2016 at approximately 6:15 P.M.
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The arrest occurred off highway 1223, approximately 10 miles south of London after Deputy Gray was dispatched to a complaint there. Upon arrival, Deputy Gray learned that this subject had been walking down N. Stewart Rd. when a dog from a residence there came into the road barking.
This subject was armed with a handgun and allegedly fired his handgun into the air to scare the dog. Allegedly there were five individuals in the yard nearby – one being a juvenile when this subject shot his gun.
This subject was charged with wanton endangerment – first-degree and was lodged in the Laurel County Detention Center.
Photo attached is courtesy of the Laurel County Detention Center.