
Laurel County Sheriff's Department releases Memorial Day weekend stats

Laurel County, KY - Sheriff John Root is reporting that the Memorial Day holiday weekend was a busy one for his Laurel County Sheriff's Office deputies.

Numerous complaints were investigated.

  • 12 traffic crashes were investigated, with one being a fatal crash.
  • One crash involved a collision with a bear on I-75.
  • One death investigation was conducted involving a 4 wheeler accident. 
    Two persons were arrested at domestic violence complaints.
  • 5 persons were arrested for Dui --one at a traffic crash.
  • Arrests were made on 3 drivers for driving on dui suspended license.
  • 2 arrests for public intoxication.
  • Two for alcohol intoxication.
  • 5 were arrested on outstanding warrants of arrest.
  • In addition, numerous traffic citations were issued for violations including reckless driving, careless driving, seat belt violations, and other traffic violations.

    The Memorial Day weekend coincided with the statewide "Click it or Ticket" campaign that continues until June 5th. This huge enforcement effort is not about writing tickets … it is about increased awareness, high visibility, and saving lives.

    Deputies also are concentrating on Dui enforcement, child safety seat violations, and distracted driving.

    Anyone can be involved in a crash at any time. So please, always buckle up, and always make sure your friends and family do the same.

    The Laurel County Sheriff's Office and our partners in Laurel County, and in our surrounding counties, and through cooperation with Laurel Countians-- are working together to make Laurel County roads safer.

    Sheriff Root reminds citizens to always drive defensively, and always expect the unexpected.

    BIGBARN Radio


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