Community helps MPD Officer locate theft suspect in Manchester, Ky.

MANCHESTER, KY - The Manchester Police Department is reporting that: On Tuesday, October 6, 2020. Lt. Taye Napier received a complaint of a theft that had taken place the previous night at the Town House Apartments on Town Branch Road.

Three Men Shot, One Fatal During Attempted Armed Robbery In Estill County, Ky.


Irvine, KY. (October 6, 2020) – The Kentucky State Police, Richmond Post is conducting an investigation following an attempted armed robbery that occurred around midnight on Richmond Road, just west of Irvine.

Contraband Seized

Trafficking Meth, Suboxone, Oxycodone arrest off U.S. 25 in Southeast Kentucky

LONDON, KY - (October 6, 2020) - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Justin Taylor along with Shift Sgt. John Inman, Deputy Landry Collett, and Deputy Tommy Houston arrested Doreen Napier age 52 of Star Hill Rd., East Bernstadt on Monday night October 5, 2020 at approximately 11:34 PM.

Kentucky Receives $1 Million Grant to Prevent Child Trafficking

Child Trafficking Concept 600

FRANKFORT, KY  – The Kentucky Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) has received a $1 million federal grant to prevent child trafficking and to provide support to survivors.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell on Growing Threats of Religious Discrimination: "It's Not Just This One Nominee"

'Here is what the left is trying to say: "Oh, we have no problems with Judge Barrett's faith in an abstract sense — we just think it disqualifies her from this promotion." That is the definition of discrimination.'

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks Thursday, October 1 on the Senate floor regarding Judge Amy Coney Barrett and religious freedom:

PSA: Cooperative Extension Service / October, 2020 Programs for Clay County, Ky.

 MANCHESTER, KY (October 3, 2020) - Clay County Cooperative Extension Service upcoming programs for October, 2020.


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