McConnell Announces Senate Will Vote on Targeted COVID-19 Relief

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement Tuesday morning regarding a Senate vote on further coronavirus relief:

Victim identified / Rocky Branch man charged with Murder after shooting incident in Clay County, Ky.


MANCHESTER, KY (September 8, 2020) - The Clay County Sheriff's Office is reporting that:On September 7, 2020 at approximately 1:30 PM Clay County Sheriff Deputy Paul Whitehead arrested Terry Wagers, 41 of Rocky Branch Road.

Tommy E. Vaughn

Manchester, Kentucky man being sought as Laurel County Sheriff John Root's "Most Wanted" suspect

LONDON, KY - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Brent France and Deputy Hunter Disney are attempting to locate a Manchester, Kentucky man.

Clay County resident arrested in London, Ky. regarding alleged theft of cash & clothing

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LONDON, KY (September 7, 2020) - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Detective Robert Reed along with Detective Taylor McDaniel and Bailiff Roy Ball arrested Shearl Hampton age 46 of Manchester on Friday afternoon September 4, 2020 at approximately 1:23 PM.

Fatality shooting being investigated in Clay County, Kentucky


The Clay County Sheriff's office would neither confirm nor deny that this individual is the subject of their investigation.

MANCHESTER, KY (September 7, 2020) - Clay County Sheriff Patrick Robinson is reporting that the Clay County Sheriff's Office is conducting an investigation of a fatality shooting that occurred at the junction of Highway 149 and South Highway 421. Further details will be released later on.

Deputies in Laurel County, Ky. dispatched to an out-of-control male subject armed with a sledgehammer

LONDON, KY (September 7, 2020) - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Reed along with Sgt. Greg Poynter, K-9 Deputy Gary Mehler, Deputy Hobie Daugherty, and Deputy Dustin Saylor arrested Jesse L. Malicote age 43 of East Bernstadt on Thursday night September 3, 2020 at approximately 9:01 PM.


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