Leroy Gross

Mr. Leroy “Ted” Gross, age 86 of Manchester went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, December 14, 2019 at his home. He was born on Saturday, December 31, 1932 in Manchester to the union of Steve


PFC John R. Bayens

Marine Corps Reserve PFC John R. Bayens

Frankfort, Ky. (Dec. 13, 2019) – Gov. Andy Beshear has directed flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff on Monday, Dec. 16, 2019, in


Shop with Local Law Enforcement 2019

MANCHESTER, KY (December 14, 2019) -  The Clay County Sheriff's Office is reporting that: On Friday December 13, 2019 the Clay County Sheriff's Office teamed up with the Manchester City Police to


KSP Elec. Crime Branch 350

Corinth, Ky. — On December 12, 2019, Robert S. Sexton, 27 was charged with 20 counts of possessing or viewing matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor.


Baxter, KY. (December 14, 2019) – 0n December 13, 2019 at approximately 4:25 A.M. Kentucky State Police, Post 10 Harlan received a call of a shooting incident at a residence on KY 840 in the Baxter


James Ray Simpson arrest 12 13 2019

LONDON, KY (December 13, 2019) - Laurel County Sheriff John Root is reporting that: The "Sheriff's Most Wanted" suspect has been captured in Laurel County.

Debbie Raye Hiebert

Debbie Raye Hiebert was born on September 15, 1966, in Laurel County, Kentucky, the daughter of the late Raymond Brown and Lucille Flannery Madden.


SOMERSET, KY - Pulaski County Sheriff Greg Speck reported in late November of 2019 that Geovonia D. Coleman, age 37 of 933 West Wood Court Danville, Kentucky was arrested following a traffic stop on


Suspect Kitchen

Laurel County, KY -  Sheriff John Root is reporting that: Laurel Sheriff's Deputy Allen Turner along with Deputy Jamie Etherton arrested Candace Siler age 38 of Corbin on Tuesday night December 10,
